APTA Geriatrics News 

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December 15, 2021

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June 14, 2021


The U.S. Centers of Disease Control & Prevention estimates that in 2018, 2.4 million emergency department visits and more than 700,000 hospitalizations across the U.S. were due to unintentional injuries among people 65 and older — and of those injuries, more than 90% were related to falls. Researchers believe that number could be reduced significantly if health care providers took a more concerted approach toward falls prevention interventions, including referral to physical therapy and adjusting or eliminating certain prescribed medicines.

Read more: https://www.apta.org/article/2021/05/27/cdc-ed-hospital-report

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May 28, 2021

In alliance with the Academy’s Mission and Vision, the physical therapy care of older adults encompasses the entirety of the ageing person within their unique environment and throughout their ageing process. We believe the Physical Therapist/Physical Therapist Assistant (PT/PTA) must advocate to reduce health disparities and health care inequities, improve access to health care services, and address the health, wellness, and preventative health care needs of people.

To that end, APTA Geriatrics presents the following guiding principles for Best Practices in providing geriatric physical therapy.

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